Friday, September 24, 2010

New ideas

In cmpt431, distributed system, professor asked us to discuss “new ideas” about “cloud computing”. Although I thought very hard, there were no NEW ideas appear. Also, others classmates’ ” new ideas” were not actually new.

Recently, when I review the hash table, I really though I got a new idea about collision. Traditionally, we use a linked list, ordered or unordered, to store collided elements. In worst case, its perfermance would degrade to O(n), it is very bad. What I thought is uses a balanced tree, such as red-black tree to store collided elements. In worst case, its perfermance would still keep in O(log(n)).

After I read “hast table” in wikipedia, I found that it is not a NEW idea. In wiki, there is detailed discussion on its advantage and disadvantage. However, I thought it might be a good sign because it means I’m on the right track of thinking about data structure.

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